2024 United Women in Faith

We believe that love in action can change the world.
Purpose: United Women in Faith seeks to connect and nurture women through Christian spiritual formation, leadership development, creative fellowship and education so that they can inspire, influence and impact local and global communities.
UWF Officer Installation [1/21/24]: This annual UWF ceremony was held during worship service with Senor Pastor, Rev. John Oda officiating. This is a time for renewed commitment to the UWF and a re-dedication to service in missions. Following worship service, the UWF hosted Tea Time, serving and providing light refreshments for the Wesley UMC congregation.
[9 UWF Officers/Leadership Team]
UWF Special Mission Recognition award [1/21/24]: This is an annual UWF award. Our 2024 honorees, Misao Kusuda, Lori Longmeir, Roger Miller and Shelley Nakashima, were recognized for their dedicated, faithful and impactful mission contributions. Each honoree received a UWF lapel pin and a certificate. Wesley UWF made a donation in their honor to the national UWF organization.
GEM: Girls Embracing Moms: Restoring hope. G.E.M. programs offer mentorship, leadership development, life skills, counseling and material support. During the 2/04/24 worship service, 40 dresses were “blessed”. These dressed were lovingly assembled and sewn by our UWF members. Later these dresses were on display in the Fellowship Hall. In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, fun craft kit projects were all donated in support of a special GEM Art Therapy program for mother and daughter visitations.
Rummage Sale [6/05/24-6/08/24]: UWF held it’s annual church-wide Rummage Sale that was met with great enthusiasm. There was fellowship, sharing and smiles during the three days of exhausting sorting, cleaning and pricing. This event is much more than just a UWF fundraiser… this is a much needed and much appreciated community outreach and a time of fellowship with our community neighbors and our congregation. Wesley UMC generously donated new and gently used clothing and household goods. Many of these items were priced at a starting price of just 50 cents. With happy hearts, our community neighbors came, discovered and purchased many usable items. We count the Rummage Sale as a win-win blessing.
UWF Reading Book Cart: This year a library-style book cart was donated to display UWF Reading Program books. Categories include: Education for Mission, Leadership Development, Nurturing for Community, Socail Action and Spiritual Growth. Each Sunday, our book cart is displayed in the Fellowship Hall to encourage the congregation to grab a book, read and participate in the UWF Reading Program. A minimum of 5 books read earns a UWF certificate.
UWF Prayer Chair: This weekly on-line prayer chain [via email] helps keep the Wesley UMC congregation connected in prayer along with some information sharing.
Sarah Circle [9-14 participants]: This UWF group faithfully meets the first Wednesday of each month (via zoom) for book discussion and sisterhood bonding and sharing.
In December, the Wesley Sarah Circle members celebrate our sisterhood with a joyful Christmas luncheon in the Fellowship Hall. This was a time to widen our circle and also to show appreciation for our Wesley office staff.
[25 participants]
WUMC monthly Tea Time and church-wide Fellowship potluck luncheon: Several times throughout the year, our UWF participated in both of these WUMC fellowship programs. This breaking of bread is an opportunity to reach out to include all of our WUMC congregation in the act of service. These fellowship times offered platforms and reminders of fellowship and service.
Scripture submitted for WUMC Good News newsletter: Beginning in March 2023, the UWF committed to submitting Bible scriptures for each publication of the WUMC Good News newsletters. Our hope is that scripture will bring promise, hope, faith, joy and peace.
UWF connections: Wesley UWF is a local unit that is a part of the El Camino Real district, California-Nevada conference and National headquarters. Our local unit is the beneficiary of dedicated and inspirational leaders and programs.
9/14/24 UMC El Camino Real district Celebration: Wesley UWF attended and served in the kitchen. The Wesley UWF gifted 142 Soup to Sushi cookbooks to attendees.
10/05/24 UWF El Camino Real district Celebration: Wesley UWF attended and gifted 29 Soup to Sushi cookbooks to attendees.
10/19/24 UWF Cal-Nevada conference Celebration: Wesley UWF gifted 100 Soup to Sushi cookbooks to attendees.
Funding: All Wesley UWF events/activities are 100% funded by personal donations, proceeds from UWF Cookbook and Rummage Sale. The 2024 Rummage Sale showed an income increase. Wesley UWF disbursements ($12,412) supports Wesley UMChurch local and global ministries and United Women in Faith ministries.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary K. Horio, Wesley UWF President
Wesley UWF Leadership Team:
Mary Horio (President), Kazuko Tengan (Vice President),
Beverley Acuna (Secretary), DeeDee Azuma (Treasurer),
Shizuko Adachi, Mary Chafey, Terri Koike,
Joanne Kumano, Bobbie Ueunte
Purpose: United Women in Faith seeks to connect and nurture women through Christian spiritual formation, leadership development, creative fellowship and education so that they can inspire, influence and impact local and global communities.
UWF Officer Installation [1/21/24]: This annual UWF ceremony was held during worship service with Senor Pastor, Rev. John Oda officiating. This is a time for renewed commitment to the UWF and a re-dedication to service in missions. Following worship service, the UWF hosted Tea Time, serving and providing light refreshments for the Wesley UMC congregation.
[9 UWF Officers/Leadership Team]
UWF Special Mission Recognition award [1/21/24]: This is an annual UWF award. Our 2024 honorees, Misao Kusuda, Lori Longmeir, Roger Miller and Shelley Nakashima, were recognized for their dedicated, faithful and impactful mission contributions. Each honoree received a UWF lapel pin and a certificate. Wesley UWF made a donation in their honor to the national UWF organization.
GEM: Girls Embracing Moms: Restoring hope. G.E.M. programs offer mentorship, leadership development, life skills, counseling and material support. During the 2/04/24 worship service, 40 dresses were “blessed”. These dressed were lovingly assembled and sewn by our UWF members. Later these dresses were on display in the Fellowship Hall. In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, fun craft kit projects were all donated in support of a special GEM Art Therapy program for mother and daughter visitations.
Rummage Sale [6/05/24-6/08/24]: UWF held it’s annual church-wide Rummage Sale that was met with great enthusiasm. There was fellowship, sharing and smiles during the three days of exhausting sorting, cleaning and pricing. This event is much more than just a UWF fundraiser… this is a much needed and much appreciated community outreach and a time of fellowship with our community neighbors and our congregation. Wesley UMC generously donated new and gently used clothing and household goods. Many of these items were priced at a starting price of just 50 cents. With happy hearts, our community neighbors came, discovered and purchased many usable items. We count the Rummage Sale as a win-win blessing.
UWF Reading Book Cart: This year a library-style book cart was donated to display UWF Reading Program books. Categories include: Education for Mission, Leadership Development, Nurturing for Community, Socail Action and Spiritual Growth. Each Sunday, our book cart is displayed in the Fellowship Hall to encourage the congregation to grab a book, read and participate in the UWF Reading Program. A minimum of 5 books read earns a UWF certificate.
UWF Prayer Chair: This weekly on-line prayer chain [via email] helps keep the Wesley UMC congregation connected in prayer along with some information sharing.
Sarah Circle [9-14 participants]: This UWF group faithfully meets the first Wednesday of each month (via zoom) for book discussion and sisterhood bonding and sharing.
In December, the Wesley Sarah Circle members celebrate our sisterhood with a joyful Christmas luncheon in the Fellowship Hall. This was a time to widen our circle and also to show appreciation for our Wesley office staff.
[25 participants]
WUMC monthly Tea Time and church-wide Fellowship potluck luncheon: Several times throughout the year, our UWF participated in both of these WUMC fellowship programs. This breaking of bread is an opportunity to reach out to include all of our WUMC congregation in the act of service. These fellowship times offered platforms and reminders of fellowship and service.
Scripture submitted for WUMC Good News newsletter: Beginning in March 2023, the UWF committed to submitting Bible scriptures for each publication of the WUMC Good News newsletters. Our hope is that scripture will bring promise, hope, faith, joy and peace.
UWF connections: Wesley UWF is a local unit that is a part of the El Camino Real district, California-Nevada conference and National headquarters. Our local unit is the beneficiary of dedicated and inspirational leaders and programs.
9/14/24 UMC El Camino Real district Celebration: Wesley UWF attended and served in the kitchen. The Wesley UWF gifted 142 Soup to Sushi cookbooks to attendees.
10/05/24 UWF El Camino Real district Celebration: Wesley UWF attended and gifted 29 Soup to Sushi cookbooks to attendees.
10/19/24 UWF Cal-Nevada conference Celebration: Wesley UWF gifted 100 Soup to Sushi cookbooks to attendees.
Funding: All Wesley UWF events/activities are 100% funded by personal donations, proceeds from UWF Cookbook and Rummage Sale. The 2024 Rummage Sale showed an income increase. Wesley UWF disbursements ($12,412) supports Wesley UMChurch local and global ministries and United Women in Faith ministries.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary K. Horio, Wesley UWF President
Wesley UWF Leadership Team:
Mary Horio (President), Kazuko Tengan (Vice President),
Beverley Acuna (Secretary), DeeDee Azuma (Treasurer),
Shizuko Adachi, Mary Chafey, Terri Koike,
Joanne Kumano, Bobbie Ueunte
Posted in Charge Conference 2024