2024-04-25 Good News
Origami Doves in the Sanctuary
April 24th, 2024
Thank you Valley Christian High School Asian Arts Club for decorating Wesley with beautiful origami doves! ......
Pastor's Reflection 2024-04-25
April 24th, 2024
On April 14th, we arrived back from our Wesley Japan Trip. It was a wonderful tour. We went to Osaka, Nara, Kyoto, Hakone and Tokyo. We landed on April 3rd, just as the Cherry Blossoms were in full bloom.Throughout the trip, there was lots of laughter, awe, and even some moments of vulnerability. From navigating bustling Shibuya crossing in Tokyo to marveling at the serene beauty of Kyoto's temple...
Easter Egg Hunt
April 23rd, 2024
What is Easter without the Easter Bunny announcing the Easter Egg Hunt after service, an activity that brings so much joy to our Wesley kids. We had another wonderful Wesley Easter Egg Hunt this year. I was worried that it was going to rain but the day was beautiful and sunny. What a blessed day to share with our Wesley families. We even had a special visit from the Easter Bunny! Thank you to all...
Compassion Sunday gets people involved
April 23rd, 2024
April 7 marked our latest Compassion Sunday. After a stirring message from Rev. Dick Corson and a blessing of our projects by Rev. Bobbie Corson, the Wesley crews got to work. Our God's Garden Children, led by Hatty Lin, packed more than 50 Hygiene Kits for our unhoused neighbors. Another group met in the Fellowship Hall with Clarissa Johnston-Abril to sort and pack donated towels and blankets for...
April 23rd, 2024
共観福音書の著者たち 新約聖書には4つの福音書がありますが、そこで取り上げられている記述は、複数の福音書に記されていたり、一つの福音書にしか書かれていないこともあります。つまり4つの福音書には、その視点と対象に夫々の特徴があることになります。中でもマタイ、マルコ、ルカは主イエスの足跡を時系列で辿っていることから共観福音書と呼ばれているのですが、ここではその内容ではなく、著者たちについて考えてみたいと思います。まずマタイですが、勿論主イエスの十二弟子の一人です。実は彼は当時のユダヤ人社会では不正に税を取り立てるとして忌み嫌われていた取税人でした。また他の福音書では「レビ」と呼ばれている事から,祭司の部族の出身であるとも、またそういう名前であったとも言われています。 この取税人は、当時のユダヤを支配していたローマ帝国によって任命された職業だったので、マタイは教育を...
Summer Singers coming in July
April 23rd, 2024
Summer is just around the corner. In the month of July each of you is invited to take part in Summer Singers. Here's how it works: Each Sunday in July (7, 14, 21, 28), come at 9:00 am to the Sanctuary. You will learn a simple anthem with a great group of singers (some from the choir, some not). Then you will perform that anthem during the 10 am worship service. It's a great way to see what it's li...
New Members
April 8th, 2024
It’s a wondrous time when on Easter Sunday we welcome new members into our loving and warm fold. With open arms we embrace our new members (from left): Melissa Diaz, Mayumi Miyakawa, and Brady and Brian Williams. After church, Melissa and her husband, joined Bobbie Ueunten where they spent time together over our delicious Easter lunch. ......
Easter Sunday Service
April 8th, 2024
Acolytes Braden and Akemi lead Rev. John Oda and Mark Teagle as they formally walk in to begin service. The choi robed for this special service, is led by former choir director, Denise Rawlinson. A packed house, God’s house, filled our sanctuary, to honor and give praise and gratitude to Jesus, God’s risen son. Wesley Praise Band, Ichiro Bakoshi and Joanne Miyahara and the Brass band, Kenton Kuwad...
Flowering of the Cross
April 8th, 2024
Led by Lori Tabuchi and Chris Koshiyama, the annual flowering of the cross takes shape with Bev Acuna helping out. We are thankful for all those who donated such beautiful and colorful flowers for the lovely annual tradition.......
Pancake Breakfast
April 8th, 2024
Type your new text here. Our pancake crew, first shift, from left: Ron Ogi, Hector Acuna and Todd Soo-Hoo. Do you want to know why the pancakes are so good? “We use real olive oil for the griddle,” Ogi commented. Rev. John and Dave Brown Mieko Tsukamoto, Tyler, Hikaru, Ichiro Bakoshi, Kasper Kimura and Mimune Tsukamoto ate it all! This must be the men’s table. Ate first and now all done. Ray Yama...
Easter Sunrise Service
April 8th, 2024
Wesley’s Easter Sunrise service was held at the church this year and not the Oak Hill Cemetery due to conflicts, but just a meaningful and uplifting. And yes, the chill at that early hour was the same as year’s past. We celebrate the good news that Christ has Risen! He has Risen indeed! Rev. John Oda brings the message of redemption and transformation. Grace Wada above and Marcia Yasukawa read ...
A Somber Good Friday Service
April 8th, 2024
The mood: somber, quiet, reflective as Wesley UMC held its Good Friday Service on March 29. Witness through verse and song, Jesus’ Crucifixion, his sacrifice for us and our redemption because of it. Blood shed. Torture. Death. We remember and light a candle of contrition and reflect upon the light of life Jesus poured into us as our Savior. The blood of Jesus and the crown of thorns.......
Palm Sunday at Wesley
April 8th, 2024
Our God’s Garden Sunday School children processed into church happily waving their palms welcoming Jesus to Jerusalem with loud Hosannas. And then sang “Hosanna Rock!”......
Haiku for Good-will Ambassadors to Africa
April 8th, 2024
school supplies given,women's shelter donations,love is delivered. Our own Wesley UMC Administrative Assistant, Terri Thornton and her husband Jeffery Roloff are amazing good-will ambassadors to Africa. They just returned from their annual trip. They had packed up many suitcases of school supplies, books, clothing and specially requested items for camps and schools in Botswana and Zimbabwe. Ter...
Call for Nisei Soldiers from Manzanar or Rowher
April 8th, 2024
Is there a 100th Infantry Battalion, 442nd RCT, Military Intelligence Service (MIS) veteran in your family that was in the Rohwer or Manzanar incarceration camp during WWII? The National Veterans Network and National Museum of the United States Army are seeking Japanese American WWII Nisei soldiers who volunteered, drafted, or had families in Rohwer or Manzanar for the Soldiers from the Camp digit...

Psalm 23 KJV
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

Posted in Web Newsletter 2023