2023-11-16 Good News
Pastor's Reflection 2023-11-17
November 17th, 2023
Rev. John OdaWhy Does Wesley Have a Transgender Solidarity Sunday? On November 12, 2023 Wesley United Methodist Church held it’s second annual Transgender Solidarity Sunday. Kasper Kimura was a speaker and he did an amazing job. Thank you Kasper for sharing your personal experience and challenges as a transgender man in our society. We also heard from Gabrielle Antolovich and Grace Skylar from th...
Compassion Volunteer and Donor Appreciation dinner
November 17th, 2023
The annual Compassion Volunteer and Donor Appreciation dinner was delicious and fun! Sushi appetizers, miso soup by Ted Wong, tofu salad by Sue Wong, Chinese food and festive cake were enjoyed by all. Gifts were donated by the Japanese American Museum of San Jose and nicely wrapped by our Wesley Kids Camp under Bev Acuna's direction. Thanks to all who have supported Compassion Ministries this ye...
Aton is the new El Camino District Lay Leader
November 17th, 2023
This is an article that Aton Abril wrote, (with some edits for length). Aton is the new El Camino District Lay Leader. Dear Friends and Members of the El Camino Real District,I hope this newsletter finds you well and thriving in your ministries and personal lives. I am honored to have recently been asked to be your District Lay Leader, and I am excited to serve alongside you as we walk this faith ...
Wesley's Annual Charge Conference
November 17th, 2023
On November 12, 2023, Wesley held it's Charge Conference. Rev. Dick Corson presided over the conference this year. Church charge conferences in the United Methodist Church play a pivotal role in fostering communication and collaboration within the congregation. A the 2023 Wesley Charge Conference the new slate of the Board of Trustees was voted on, the list of Officers and Leaders was confirmed,...
日語フェローシップ 2023-11-16
November 17th, 2023
聖書にはよく「預言者」という言葉が出てきます。未来を占う「予言者」とは違い、預言者は、その文字通り神様の言葉を預かる者、つまり神様のみ心を人びとに伝える者を指します。そのため聖書の時代の王たちは、政策決定の意見を求めて多くの預言者を召し抱えていました。今でいう大統領補佐官のような役目でした。 先月のこの欄では、その預言者の一人、エリヤについてお話ししましたが、今回はイザヤを取り上げてみたいと思います。時はエリヤの時代から200年ほど経った紀元前8世紀、北イスラエル王国は隣国のアッシリアの侵略によって紀元前722年に崩壊し、人々は捕虜としてアッシリアに連行されてしまいます。歴史で言う「アッシリア捕囚」です。 一方、南ユダ王国では紀元前715年に名君と言われるヒゼキヤ王が即位し、その中心的な預言者として重用されたのがイザヤです。しかしヒゼキヤ王の後を継いだ...
Emergency Response Team
November 17th, 2023
Tomoko Tanaka, chair of the Board of Trustees, introduces our Wesley Staff to being part of the ERT in Japantown.Rich Saito led the workshop and preparing our Wesley Staff on what to do when there is a community threat to children, elderly and folks in our congregation.......
Just Bring a Cup for Coffee or Tea
November 17th, 2023
Good stewards of earth we are called to be.That's all of us, yes, you and me.Just bring a cup for coffee or tea.The landfills are full as we can all see.Let’s lower cost and save a tree.Just bring a cup for coffee or tea.What’s the plan and how do we start?Use your head and follow your heart.Just bring a cup for coffee or tea.We can do this, yes, we can!It’s up to us, each woman and man.Just bring...
Interested in a Mission Trip to the Philippines?
November 17th, 2023
The California Nevada Conference is sponsoring a mission trip to the Philippines February 26th- March 11th, 2024. Registration closes on November 30th. The trip will focus on partnership opportunities, learning about the challenges of the ministries in the Philippines and human rights issues. Here: < cnumc.org/newsdetails/17878922> is a link to the mission description. For more information, conta...
Umbrella Ministry: Memoir Writing Workshop by Alice Hikido
November 17th, 2023
A big, warm thank you to Alice Hikido for leading a memoir writing workshop back in October. We had a wonderful group of participants sharing stories about them-selves and their families. Also, a big thank you to Mary and Dale Sasaki and Lynn Tabuchi for providing a delicious lunch. Alice Hikido leading the participants in a writing and sharing activity. Amy Shiozaki sharing her family story. Roy ...
Spiders and Skulls and Blood: Halloween at Wesley
November 13th, 2023
By Barbara HiruaSpiders! EEEK! Skulls! EEEK! Witches! EEEK! And lots of gore. EEEK! It’s Halloween at Wesley UMC’s Trunk ‘N’ Treats and what a shriekingly wonderful outing for our church’s ministries and for the neighborhood. The children and their parents, drawn to our parking lot by the booming sounds of San Jose Taiko, traversed out parking lot full of frighteningly colorful and imaginative tru...
The “I Remember You” Service Touches Hearts
November 13th, 2023
By Barbara Hiura This year’s “I Remember You” Service was both uplifting and sad with an emotional outpouring never felt before. Why this year? Since COVID, and the church closure for a couple of years, many of our church treasures have passed on to heaven. And yes, we had this service during worship last year, but we were just coming back and while the honor, memories and respect were all there i...

Posted in Web Newsletter 2023