Congregational Vitality Assessment

Congregational Vitality Assessment
WORTHY OF IMITATION (4): Have a clear, intentional, simple, discipleship system or process that is understood and engaged in by more than 50% of your members
CONTINUED STABILITY (3): Have a clear, intentional, simple, and discipleship system or process that is understood and engaged in by less than 50% of your members.
AWAITING TRANSITION OR SEEKING STABILITY (2): Leadership is developing a clear, simple discipleship system or process that has not been fully implemented yet.
DIMINISHING & DECLINING (1): There is no clear, simple discipleship system or process.
OVERALL RATING Scores should be between 0 and 4:
CHARACTERISTICS: Thriving in Community
WORTHY OF IMITATION (4): Worship growth of 10%+ year to year. Micro-communities, small groups, bible studies multiplying
CONTINUED STABILITY (3): Worship growth of 1-9% year to year. Active micro-communities, small groups, studies
AWAITING TRANSITION OR SEEKING STABILITY (2): Worship growth of 0% year to year. 0-5 ongoing groups with moderate levels of activity
DIMINISHING & DECLINING (1): Worship decline, little to no outreach, 0-3 groups with low to moderate activity.
OVERALL RATING Scores should be between 0 and 4:
CHARACTERISTICS: Healing the World
WORTHY OF IMITATION (4): Affirmed by the community for contributions to the vitality of Congregation lives locally. Consistent leadership & presence in the community Local and global connections
CONTINUED STABILITY (3): Known by community. The congregation lives locally with some commuters. Local and global connections Planning for additional outreach
AWAITING TRANSITION OR SEEKING STABILITY (2): Pastor active in ecumenical events. At least 50% of the congregation lives locally. Lack of energy for outreach. People in the community "used to go there
DIMINISHING & DECLINING (1): Inward-looking or commuter, the community is not sure if the church is still open
OVERALL RATING Scores should be between 0 and 4:
WORTHY OF IMITATION (4): Clear, documented, evolving plan, leadership receiving training or coaching, investing in new & successful initiatives demonstrated capacity to innovate during COVID
CONTINUED STABILITY (3): Clear identity. No formal visioning, but plans evolve to meet new needs. demonstrated capacity to innovate during COVID-19 OR pastor demonstrated capacity and church-supported
AWAITING TRANSITION OR SEEKING STABILITY (2): No articulated vision or plan.  Little experimentation, future looked on w/fear. Struggled to innovate during COVID
DIMINISHING & DECLINING (1): Weary, questioning survival No innovation Minimal post-COVID resilience
OVERALL RATING Scores should be between 0 and 4:
WORTHY OF IMITATION (4): Resource growth of 10%+ year to year, tithe & Second mile giving paid 100% $ to missions. multiple ways to give including online Endowment or Foundation planning giving options. Has two or more income sources outside giving
CONTINUED STABILITY (3): Stable 80-100% funding of budget & tithe, $ to missions multiple ways to give including online Has one income sources outside giving
AWAITING TRANSITION OR SEEKING STABILITY (2): Struggles to meet budget, <than 80% of tithe pd, PT or equitable comp pastor, little left for missions may have online giving
DIMINISHING & DECLINING (1): Severe cutbacks, unable to support missions <50% of tithe pd PT or equitable comp pastor no online giving option
OVERALL RATING Scores should be between 0 and 4:
WORTHY OF IMITATION (4): Excellent condition and supports a variety of ministries.
CONTINUED STABILITY (3): Good repair supports ministries
AWAITING TRANSITION OR SEEKING STABILITY (2): Adequate but in need of improvement
DIMINISHING & DECLINING (1): Needing repairs, facilities too large
OVERALL RATING Scores should be between 0 and 4:
WORTHY OF IMITATION (4): Pastoral & lay leaders worthy of emulation mentees in training, disciple system in place
CONTINUED STABILITY (3): Solid leadership, reasonably harmonious
AWAITING TRANSITION OR SEEKING STABILITY (2): Adequate core leadership does all of the work
DIMINISHING & DECLINING (1): May be unable to support the pastor, lack of volunteers
OVERALL RATING Scores should be between 0 and 4:
CHARACTERISTICS: Digital Capabilities
WORTHY OF IMITATION (4): Consistently offers quality online/hybrid worship. Willing to be a pioneer in digital discipleship. Has multiple digital constituents and members. Maintains digital presence on multiple platforms. Plans and implements social media campaigns.
CONTINUED STABILITY (3): Consistently offers quality online/hybrid worship. Functions well on Zoom or equivalent. Maintains digital presence on at least two platforms. Promotes occasionally on social media. Experimenting on the digital frontier.
AWAITING TRANSITION OR SEEKING STABILITY (2): Offers low-quality online/hybrid worship (ex. – via cell phone). 50% functions well on Zoom. Maintains digital presence on one platform. Promotes occasionally on social media. Mostly pastor-driven
DIMINISHING & DECLINING (1): No digital capacity.
OVERALL RATING Scores should be between 0 and 4:
Vitality Score (Create an overall score by adding up boxes and dividing by 8.) :
Created and maintained by Paige Eaves