Umbrella Ministry

Umbrella Ministry: 2023 Report
Team Members: Kasper Kimura, Lisa Kinoshita, Hatty Lin, Carl Miya, Shelley Nakashima, Ron Ogi, Mary Sasaki, Lynn Tabuchi
The Umbrella Ministry began in October 2020 to connect and care for one another in inclement times. Created during the stay-at-home times of the pandemic, the Umbrella Ministry continues to provide opportunities to learn about self-care, discover new recipes/hobbies/activities, engage in service projects, catch up with friends and make new connections, and find joy in the simple things in life.
In 2023, the Umbrella Ministry hosted 58 activities. Dedicated volunteers lead the following
ongoing classes that meet 1-2 times each month.
  • Meridian Exercises: Exercise, stretching, and movements to improve energy flow led by Diana Marks
  • Computers & Me: Customized tech workshops (computer, tablet, mobile phone) led by Jim Mar
  •  Sounder Sleep and Feldenkrais Classes: Slow, gentle, non-invasive movements for body balance, center-alignment, and well-being led by Bobbie Ueunten
Additionally, volunteers share their passion for creative activities and demos; service and
outreach; fun and fellowship.
  • Ribbon Lei-Making, a two-part series: Making leis for graduation and special occasions led by Lynn Tabuchi
  • Mochi Manju Demo: A cooking demonstration with yummy samples led by Misako Ogi
  • An Introduction to Memoir Writing: Taking a walk down memory lane and capturing treasured stories on paper to share with friends and family—a memoir writing workshop led by Alice Hikido
  • Bless the Pets: A community outreach event hosted by the Umbrella Ministry
  • Thanksgiving Card-Making: A God’s Garden children’s service project led by Hatty Lin
  • Care-A-Van Visits: A time to visit and catch up with seniors