Staff Parish Relations Committee

SPRC Members: Kathy Haneta (Chair), Rev. John Oda, Mary Sasaki (Lay Leader), Lynn Tabuchi (Lay Leader), Mimune Tsukamoto (Nichigo Lay Leader), Yumi Haraguchi, George Leano, Lori Longmire, Jim Tengan, Kristin To.

What does SPRC do?
The Book of Discipline of the UMC requires that all member churches have a staff-parish relations committee (SPRC). The SPRC serves as the official body within our church that addresses matters of the appointment of clergy, staff and congregation relations, personnel administration functions. We meet monthly via Zoom.

2023 Ministry
Wesley UMC’s Senior Pastor, Rev. John Oda, has served our congregation for a year and a half. He has already made a positive impact within our church as well as in our community. He is a source of inspiration, guidance and comfort. He preaches the Word of God with insight, laying the foundation for reflection and action. He is not afraid to implement change and has a vision for the future. Rev John and his staff have led efforts to improve the technology of the church, such as launching our new website through the Subsplash Platform as well as creating a social media presence. With these tools, we are able to expand our audience and communicate our message more effectively.

Rev. John values the Japanese language ministry and has initiated and submitted a proposal for a grant that would help to fund a Nichigo circuit pastor who can serve multiple Japanese speaking congregations in our area. He has developed new outreach programs, including Neighborhood Gatherings, Bless the Pets, and has established a presence participating in inter religious and community events.

Wesley’s staff are truly exceptional. Each and every staff member are dedicated and work tirelessly to make Wesley a welcoming and supportive church. Our youth, music, administrative, financial and support staff all lead their program areas in effective and meaningful ways, each skilled in their unique gifts and talents.
Rev. John Oda - Senior Pastor
Kelli Martines - Director of Administration
Mark Teagle - Director of Spiritual Formation, Community Engagement & Music

Kasper Kimura - MYF Director
Hatty Lin - Children’s Ministry Director
Lauren Takaichi - CAF Director
Hikaru Bakoshi - Media & Technology Coordinator
Peter Hikido - Finance Secretary
Kelvin Kamachi - Facilities Manager
Alan Ngai - Administrative Assistant
Terri Thornton - Administrative Assistant

Akiko Buchannan - Accompanist
Shane Cantanho - Accompanist
2024 Outlook
2024 may be a challenging year, as we face the continued effects of the pandemic, social unrest and economic uncertainty. The church will continue to monitor our staff budget carefully, balancing our plans to grow and prioritizing the needs of our Wesley staff.

We are grateful to have an experienced and compassionate pastor who guides our church. We are also very grateful for the hard work of every staff member who contributes to making Wesley a thriving and welcoming community. The congregation’s continued generosity enables our staff to develop meaningful programs and ministries, allowing Wesley to continue to be a pillar of strength and spirituality in our community.