2023-10-26 Good News
Bless the Pets Pictures
October 25th, 2023
日語フェローシップ 2023-10-26
October 25th, 2023
旧約聖書に登場する人物というと、アダムとイブ、ノア、モーセ、ダビデ、ソロモン、イザヤなどの名前が出てくると思いますが、ユダヤの歴史の中で重要な役目を果たしたのに、意外と話題に上ることが少ない人物の一人にエリヤが居ます。十字架を目前にした主イエスが、山上でモーセと共に語り合った、あのエリヤです。実は新約聖書に登場する旧約の人物の中で最も多いのがモーセ(80回)、次にアブラハム(73回)、ダビデ(59回)、そしてエリヤ(30回)と続くほどの有名人なのです。 彼の名前Elijahの由来はヘブル語のEl (God) と Yah (Jehovah) から来ており、“Jehovah is my God“ の意味となります。彼はその名の通り異教との戦いに人生を捧げ、モーセと同じくドラマチックな一生を送りました。 時は紀元前10世紀、ダビデやソロモンが率いたヘブライ王国が、ソロモ...
The Wesley Seniors
October 25th, 2023
The Wesley Seniors/Primetimers’ meetings have been changed from Tuesdays to Wednesdays. Our first get together will be on Wednesday, October 25, 2023 at 9:00 - 11:00am in the Fellowship Hall.Our meetings will be scheduled on the second and last Wednesday each month.Join us for Coffee and light refreshments, and a short message sharing.......
Wesley Stewardship Campaign November 5-19, 2023
October 25th, 2023
But those who hope in the LordWill renew their strength.They will soar on wings like eagles;They will run and not grow weary.They will walk and not be faint.-Isaiah 40:31 Wesley will be kicking off its 2024 Stewardship Campaign on November 5th. Please be on the lookout for this year’s campaign brochure, which will contain more details on the church’s 2024 goals and the background for this year’s t...
How to grow your Neighbor Group
October 23rd, 2023
Did you know that more than 80 people are currently involved in Wesley's Neighbor Groups? They meet mostly in homes around the Santa Clara Valley once a month for fellowship, food, a short Bible study or devotional, and a chance to get to know one another. And these groups are designed to GROW! How, you ask? Invitation! If you're in one of our groups, think about who you'd like to bring along. Giv...
Heinlenville Park is now open
October 23rd, 2023
San Jose's newest public park is right here in Japantown. Heinlenville Park held its ribboncutting on Tuesday, October 10 with a ceremony that included Mayor Matt Mahan, City Councilman Omar Torres, historian Connie Young Yu, and our own Warren Hayashi as a founding member of Japantown Community Congress. The ceremony paid tribute to the site's history with lion dancers, traditional drums, and a S...
United Women in Faith - Think Pink
October 23rd, 2023
We believe that love in action can change the world.Matthew 18:20 NIVFor where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. A time of fellowship and breaking of bread was all part of this newly implemented Wesley churchwide potluck lunch. On Sunday, October 8, 2023, Jim and Kazuko Tengan partnered with Derek and Joanne Miyahara to graciously and generously provide six banquet size trays o...
Welcome New Office Admin
October 23rd, 2023
Type your new text here.......
Wesley Missions Luau “Broke Da Mouth”
October 23rd, 2023
by Barbara Hiura “Aloha! You gonna have a good time with ono food that’ll broke da mouth! which emcee Leighton Horio said, when welcoming some 170 attendees to the “Hukilau for the Lord” Missions fundraiser dinner held on Oct. 7. Indeed, it was a sell-out meal and the smell of Hawaiian food wafted through the Fellowship hall and out into the patio. Yummy! Everybody had a… how you say good time in ...
“The Ice Man Cometh” Rev. Dick Corson Front and Center in Sunday Worship
October 23rd, 2023
He calls himself the “Ice Man” because he takes care of all the frozen food bagging for our Tuesday food distribution program, but today, Sunday, Oct. 2, we were privileged to have Rev. Dick Corson be our pastor of the hour while Rev. John was vacationing in paradise (Hawaii). Rev. Dick did it all. Here, after singing “Jesus Loves Me,” the three in front, Bich and Brian Hamilton, and Roger Miller,...
Pastor's Reflection 2023-10-26
October 23rd, 2023
Rev. John Oda, Dear Wesley UMC Community,On October 8th, we held a Town Hall Discussion around the rebranding process at Wesley Church. (See pics) Rebranding is the process of refreshing and updating our identity, including our messaging and overall image. It is a way to reach out to and attract new people in the surrounding communities with some fresh and appealing messages while at the same stay...
Thanksgiving Letter from Rev. John
October 23rd, 2023
“do not worry about your life…but strive for the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6: 25, 33. During this time of year our lives seem to get busier and busier. The stores that we shop in remind us that the holidays are just around the corner and indeed Thanksgiving is almost upon us It is easy to become worried about all of the activ...

Posted in Web Newsletter 2023