2023-08-24 Good News
My Lake Tahoe Fellowship Retreat Memories
August 23rd, 2023
By Barbara Hiura - Have you ever attended this retreat? It’s been around for over 40 years. I remember every year, I would see the bus pick up some 20 of our church members on an early Sunday morning but I was never motivated to attend…not when I was working and certainly not when I retired. I just thought it was for our (ahem)…“older” members. I also thought “do I really want to be sitting in hea...
Choir resumes in September
August 23rd, 2023
Use your musical gifts to be part of the community of singers that add so much to our worship. Join us Wednesday nights, 7:15 to 8:45 pm in the Sanctuary for rehearsals and then gather Sunday mornings at 9:00 am to warm up for worship. Sopranos, Altos, Tenors, and Basses needed. Ask a Choir member how much fun and fulfillment they find singing in this ensemble. Or contact Director of Music Mark Te...
JTown Together Postponed until 2024
August 23rd, 2023
Wesley's church leadership has put out this statement:After careful and prayerful consideration and discussion, Wesley United Methodist Church has decided to postpone the JTown Together event which was originally scheduled for Saturday, September 9, 2023. The new date will likely be in September or October of 2024.We discovered that after not doing this event for three years, we did not have the ...
Great time to join a Neighbor Group
August 23rd, 2023
Gather in a nearby home. Share a little about yourself. Listen. Laugh. Take some time to talk about matters of faith. Pray. Eat. Feel closer to a group of people that are a part of Wesley. Be in a Neighbor Group.More than 80 people have joined a group so far. And September is a great time to start something new. You can use the Wesley UMC SJ App to check out the groups or talk to Staff Member Mark...
Support the Maui Relief Through Wesley Church
August 23rd, 2023
Donating to the Maui Relief through Wesley can be done in these ways:By: https://umcmission.org/advance-project/901670By: toll-free telephone call: 1-888-252-6174By: check made out to Global Ministries/UMCOR with "Advance #901670-Hawaii" written on the memo line and mailed to Global Ministries/UMCOR, GPO, P.O. Box 9068, New York, NY, 10087-9068Or go to the Wesley UMC App Giving Page and give. Cont...
Pastor's Reflection 2023-08-24
August 23rd, 2023
Rev. John Oda - Dear Wesley UMC Community, One of the spiritual practices that I have regularly engaged in is prayer and meditation. This summer I have been sitting in the back porch to meditate. I usually go out early in the cool of the mornings before the sun comes up with my hot cup of coffee. I try to sit quietly for 12 minutes in silence. I say that “I try to sit quietly” because often times ...
日語フェローシップ 2023-08-24
August 21st, 2023
Special Sunday Music in August
August 21st, 2023
All the weeks in August while the choir is on hiatus, Mark Teagle has graciously opened up the flood gates to allow for special music to fill the gap in the worship service. Performing on Aug. 13 were four members of the Wesley Ukulele Band, from left: Tina Urata, Jane Wong, Becky Soffioto, and Barbara Hiura performing the Point of Grace version of “You Are My All in All."......
On The Mend
August 21st, 2023
A healthy-looking and getting stronger day by day is Joanne Miyahara, who made her first appearance in church after having kidney transplant surgery several weeks ago. Brenda Gee, is walking and getting around attended church as she recovers from knee replacement surgery.......
Junior High Camp and Asian Camp Reflection Sunday
August 21st, 2023
Jr. High Camp singing “Every Move I Make” Lauren Takeuchi and Kirk Inouye present the JHC theme “Anyone Can” Evan Hamada on guitar from UJCC helped lead the Praise Band and presented the Asian Camp Theme “In Christ.” Themed camp t-shirt from JHC and sweat shirt from Asian Camp.......
Wesley’s Fundraising Golf Tournament
August 21st, 2023
The annual Wesley Missions Fundraising Golf Tournament was held at the Sunnyvale Municipal Golf Course on August 7. The highlight reel of the day goes to Sam Higaki, a previous tournament winner who is now going off to college to, of course, play golf. He shot a gross 65 and won the Men’s A Flight with a net 66.We had 65 golfers take to the course and most also enjoyed a wonderful Japanese dinner ...
Come Be a Part of Wesley’s United Women in Faith - Sarah Circle
August 14th, 2023
Sarah Circle is a small mostly all women’s group that is a part of our Wesley United Women in Faith. New members are always welcome.The group reads interesting books that help them to grow spiritually and that also help them to gain an understanding of their lives and the world as it pertains to scripture. Fellowship is nurtured and members share joys and concerns.Meetings are held via Zoom on the...
New Bannar
August 14th, 2023
Did you notice? This old and tattered banner has been replaced with our new pride banner.Every little change makes a huge difference.......
Recognition of Paulette Zades, Grant School Principal
August 14th, 2023
This past July, our Compassion Ministry chairs, Misao Kusuda (far left) and Mary Leano (far right) recognized Principal Paulette Zades (second from left), for all her work and support which was key to building our relationship with Grant Elementary School. It led to our school supply drive, our tutorial program, joint dinners, cultural exchanges and our food distribution program to Grant families....
Celebrate Partee - Rev. John Continues His Journey with US
August 14th, 2023
Celebrate! It’s time to Partee with a good old-fashioned Wesley Pot Luck! And why? Rev. John Oda, our pastor who arrived last year has been re-appointed to be with us for another brand new year. Our journey with him continues. Kathy Haneta, SPRC chair, introduced and presented Luz and Rev. John a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a congratulatory card. What a fine spread of delectable cuisine furni...
Love in Action - United Women in Faith
August 14th, 2023
Back in February of this year, our Wesley UWF sent 70 fleece heart kits to a G.E.M. (Girls Embracing Mothers) program at a Gatesville prison in Central Texas. Once a month, girls with incarcerated mothers are transported by bus for a special 4 hour visit with their mothers. During the visit mother and daughter are able to bond and do activities together. Enough kits were sent to the program so tha...

Posted in Web Newsletter 2023