2023-06-15 Good News
Pastor's Reflection 2023-06-15
June 15th, 2023
Dear Wesley UMC Family,I was honored to participate in the Oak Hill Cemetery Memorial Day Service on May 29.As we gathered at the Oak Hill Cemetery on Memorial Day, I was reminded of the brave men and women who had laid down their lives in service to our nation. Their selflessness and sacrifice embody the very essence of love, echoing the words of Jesus when He said, 'Greater love has no one than ...
Canopy Check Out Procedure
June 15th, 2023
Wesley has white canopies (10 x 10) that are available for committees to use at on site events. Some of the canopies have our church name on the front. If your committee would like to use these canopies, you need to complete the check out form with Anh, in the office. Each canopy is numbered on the outside cover as well as on the canopy legs. Please make sure you put the correct cover on the match...
The Bill Wilson Center celebrated its 50th year of saving lives
June 15th, 2023
The Bill Wilson Center celebrated its 50th year of saving lives at a gala fundraising event on May 19 at the Santa Clara Convention Center. The audience witnessed testimonials from several young women and men who maybe 6-8 years earlier were living on the streets without a home, suffering from addiction or depression, or maybe pregnant without a family or friends to help.BWC was recognized for its...
Graduation Day at Wesley
June 15th, 2023
This past Sunday, Wesley UMC had the honor of formally congratulating our High School seniors and College graduates. We are proud and pleased at how our young people have grown and developed into such responsible, thoughtful, and caring individuals. Each are beautiful gifts from God and their presence in our church has enhanced and highlighted the best in our church.Accolades to our college gradua...
Extending God’s Love
June 15th, 2023
Please join the Compassion Team. We meet on the 4th Monday of each month at 6:30pm by zoom. We welcome your energy and ideas about how we can serve the less fortunate in our neighborhood. Let Mark Teagle know you’d like the zoom link and join our meeting for a visit.You’re also invited to help unload the fresh food we receive from Second Harvest on Friday mornings. You will directly impact the liv...
Joanne Miyahara Receives A New Kidney
June 15th, 2023
We have been and continue to pray for Joanne Miyahara who underwent a successful kidney transplant surgery at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco. She was in intensive care for several days and is now at home resting comfortably. Our prayers go out to the family and to the donor Monica Sakamoto and her family.. Their surgery was recorded in an updated CPMC poster.......
A Visitor Fills the Church with Song
June 15th, 2023
Recently Nathan Stowe (right) gifted us with his beautiful baritone voice when he paid us a visit from San Diego. He and Dave Land filled the sanctuary with a duet from the musical “Doors Open” and we were uplifted.......
"It's 9:00 am Sunday, and we're ready to sing"
June 15th, 2023
Summer Singers, unite! Show up ready to sing with a great group of motivated singers every Sunday in July. Come to the Sanctuary, learn an easy piece of music, then be part of something bigger than yourself. Five opportunities to try it out: July 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30. Work with Choir Director Mark Teagle and guest conductor Denise Rawinson (July 30) for this great experience. We're also always loo...
Praise Band Risers coming soon
June 15th, 2023
Our Praise Band is coming up in the world! To make them easier to see and follow when leading music in worship, stage risers will be installed soon to give our Praise Band two tiers to stand on 12" and 18" high. These risers are being built by QuikStage of Blaine, Minnesota and being installed by a team of Wesley volunteers including Byran Longmire and Dave Brown working with staff member Mark Tea...
Let’s Hear it for the UWF Rummage Sale Hip Hip Hooray
June 15th, 2023
After a four-year absence and month and months of planning, and weeks and weeks of preparation, followed by three solid days of collecting peoples used and abused goods, the United Women of Faith put together their fundraising RUMMAGE SALE on June 10. Yay! Hip-hip-hooray! And was it ever a welcomed community event.The people poured into our filled parking lot like an ever-flowing river and scoope...
The United Women in Faith 2023 Rummage Sale Wrap-Up
June 15th, 2023
From Terri Koike, Bev Acuna, and the Wesley UWF Our beloved Wesley Rummage Sale returned with a force on June 10th, 2023. It was like a cyclone that hit and when it was over and cleaned up, you would have never known it happened.There are so many thank you’s that need to go out, it is difficult to know where to begin.Special thanks to:Amy Kaneshiro for offering her garage to multiple friends and ...
Wesley Ukulele Band Does Outreach
June 15th, 2023
The Wesley Ukulele Band led by Tina Urata has had a busy month of May performing before audiences in the Japantown Communities of San Francisco, Cupertino and San Jose as they celebrated with festivals and honored Asian American and Pacific Islander Month. The band and hula dancers performed at Nikkei Matsuri in San Jose and followed that with the Cupertino Cherry Blossom Festival seen above and a...
Walking to End Hunger
June 15th, 2023
Walk! Walk! Walk! CROP WALK! We walk to end hunger, NOW! On May 21 members of Wesley UMC met with a number of South Bay churches at Almaden Hills UMC in a joint fundraising effort to support Church World Services whose goal is to end the plague of hunger around the world. No one should go hungry here or anywhere else and this was our opportunity to lend a hand by making a financial contribution an...
日語フェローシップ 2023-06-15
June 15th, 2023

Posted in Web Newsletter 2023