Methodist Youth Fellowship (MYF)

Meets Sunday Mornings at 10am!

Wesley’s Methodist Youth Fellowship (MYF) is our ministry for high schoolers! We meet every Sunday morning at 10AM in the MYF room on the second floor of the Fellowship Hall. We are a group of high schoolers from all across the Bay Area who worship together, grow together, and walk together. We welcome high school teenagers to join us from wherever they are in their journey with God.
On Sundays, we don’t just sit down and study the Bible quietly. We help with God’s Garden, spend time with CAF, do art, work on service projects, worship in the chapel, spend time in fellowship with each other and talk about how God is moving in our lives. We also gather outside of church for fellowship activities, such as bowling and hiking, and for service projects.

The MYF director is Kasper Kimura who guides MYF with the assistance of MYF’s Youth Leadership Council, a group of high schoolers who want to take a more active role at Wesley. Kasper can be reached at for more information on MYF and how Wesley serves our high school youth.

MYF is a safe and affirming space for high school youth of all gender identities, sexualities, ethnicities, disabilities, and nations of origin. We recognize that every teenager is wonderfully made in the eyes of God. If you have an open heart and are curious about God, you are welcome with MYF.