Haiku for Good-will Ambassadors to Africa

school supplies given,
women's shelter donations,
love is delivered.
Our own Wesley UMC Administrative Assistant, Terri Thornton and her husband Jeffery Roloff are amazing good-will ambassadors to Africa.  They just returned from their annual trip.  They had packed up many suitcases of school supplies, books, clothing and specially requested items for camps and schools in Botswana and Zimbabwe.  Terri carefully selected kits for women escaping abuse in a women's shelter in Botswana such as pajamas, underwear, soap, lip balm, etc.  Jeffery knew that a school in Zimbabwe had started a chess club for the students, so they brought chess sets besides books, pencils, pens, etc.  Terri and Jeffery loved seeing the overjoyed smiles of the recipients. Thank you for your uplifting example of sharing, Terri and Jeffery!