Thanksgiving SOS Potluck

On November 19, Wesley celebrated our Thanksgiving Share Our Substance or S.O.S. potluck lunch co-hosted by Compassion Ministry and Mission Committees. This year thirty roasted chickens were donated by Compassion in appreciation for the congregation support over the years. Thank you to everyone who brought side dishes, salads, and desserts. Often overlooked are those volunteers who quietly and tirelessly wash dishes, clean tables, and decorate the Fellowship Hall. The fellowship, food, and a feeling of gratitude help make new memories.
S.O.S. began around thirty years ago by our United Methodist Women who wanted to
alleviate the food crisis facing the homeless. Many may recall making sack lunches for Julian Street Inn and St. James Park, dinners for Commercial Street Women's shelter, and dinners for The Winter Faith Collaborative involving several churches rotating at various shelters.
During lunch, Mark Teagle presented a slide show depicting various volunteer work that Compassion does including tutoring and helping supply educational materials at Grant Elementary School, providing food distribution every Tuesday for low income families, sharing lunch at St. James Park, financial support for People Acting in Community Together, and The Bill Wilson Youth Center to list a few.
Who knows, maybe an unexpected blessing today will be the start of a tradition.