Wesley Church’s desire to be a good steward for our planet earth

To clarify a bit of confusion regarding the proper disposal of the church’s garbage and recycling, new labels have been applied on the containers in the church.  There will be only two designations: “TRASH/RECYCLE” and “ORGANICS”.   Our garbage service separates the recycling items from the trash at their facility.
TRASH/RECYCLING (formerly “dry”):  TRASH:  snack wrappers, plastic: bags/food wrap, gloves, plastic utensils etc.  RECYCLING:  clean paper, cardboard, cans, bottles, jugs, aluminum foil, etc.
ORGANIC (formerly “wet”): Food and food waste.  Also, paper products soiled by food (napkins, plates cups etc.)  juice boxes, milk cartons, etc.  (No plastic containers or utensils). And yard waste:  tree/yard trimmings, old flowers, spoiled fruit/veggies, etc. is considered organic.
Hazardous materials are to be disposed following guidelines at <https://hhw.sccgov.org/home> and should not be disposed of at the church.
The dental recycling program continues as before. Used tooth brushes, empty tooth paste containers, floss containers, etc. can be left in the green box near the entrance of the Fellowship Hall.  They are sent to Terracycle (www.terracycle.com) for proper recycling.  Twenty-five pounds have already been sent to Terracycle this year! 
The Styrofoam recycling program continues, our garbage service will receive it if brought in separately.  Styrofoam can be placed in the large box near the lockers in the Fellowship Hall. 
Thank you to all the good stewards in the congregation that have been faithfully participating in all these programs!