Prayer Garden Church celebrates its 80th Anniversary

Our Japantown neighbors at Prayer Garden Church of God in Christ celebrated their 80th anniversary with a special service on Sunday, August 27. Located at 651 N Sixth St, Prayer Garden is just behind the Buddhist Church and across from Heinlenville Park. Prayer Garden is a black pentecostal church which has been pastored by Superintendent Paul D. Bates for more than 40 years. Church leaders from around the Bay Area were there to honor the ministry including Mark Teagle from Wesley UMC. The City of San Jose also sent an envoy from Mayor Matt Mahan to present a special commendation. The guest preacher for the day was Pastor Brian Nelson Sr. from Jericho City Church of God in Christ in Houston, Texas. Missionary Jacqueline Bates served as the Master of Ceremonies for the event. The service featured spirited music featuring organ, drums, and a choir along with fervent preaching and testimonials. Prayer Garden often gets permission to use Wesley's parking lots to support their special events.